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发布日期:2017-10-17  类型:免费文章  作者:  来源: 中皮在线   点击 2518


The NAFA-FURCHINA promotion was held yesterday in Shangcun, Hebei. FURCHINA team and NAFA team cooperated and brought a fur grading course for the coming furriers.

    中国皮草在线首席运营官刘沛湲先生为当地皮草人详细讲解了皮皮拍使用及注册流程,并通过现场实操,帮助到场来宾学会使用;NAFA团队:Mr. Nick Dolinsky、李宏森先生、Mr. Joshua Molina携带近千张样皮,形象生动地为到场来宾详细介绍了NAFA分皮系统。

Mr.Liu from FURCHINA explained the use and registration process of the FURDEAL for the local furriers in detail. And the NAFA team brought sample skins to produce the NAFA fur inspection system.


This is the second stop to offer a promotion sharing the fur knowledge and skills and in order to give customers a better experience of the auction. The promotion attracted a lot of furriers to join actively.


FURCHINA team and NAFA team will continue going to share the Fur knowledge and skills all around the China, including Dongkou, Daying, Nanjing, Yuyao, Haining and so on. The following is the details:

2017 NAFA-中皮联合拍卖会 2017 NAFA-FURCHINA Auction:

验皮日期 Inspection date: 10.10--10.17

竞价日期 Auction date: 10.18--10.20

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